A driven pile is a relatively long, slender column, provided to offer support or to resist forces, made of preformed material having a predetermined shape and size that can be physically inspected prior to and during installation, which is installed by impact hammering, vibrating, or pushing into the earth. Driven piles can be cut, capped and used without delay and without a source of concrete. A driven pile is a total engineered solution – the design installation, and quality assurance that are part of each driven pile combine to eliminate guess work and produce a known, reliable and cost-effective product that can accommodate a wide variety of subsurface conditions.
Roterra Piling offers driven piling with modern and innovative pile driving equipment - which can safely and efficiently complete driven piling projects. Our team can determine what type of pile solution is needed for your project - regardless of the application.
Pile displaces ground during installation, which results in soil improvements
Installation process provides feedback on capacity
Good control over structural integrity
Group efficiency almost always greater than 100%
Design changes can be easily implemented in the field by splicing additional lengths of pile material and driving the pile deeper
Does not produce spoil, eliminating the need to dispose of drill cuttings
Driven piles are "tested" piles. During the installation process, the pile is advanced into the ground using a hammer with predetermined energy. This allows the designer to empirically determine the pile carrying capacity based on the input energy and the output penetration resistance blow count/unit length
Long single length piles feasible
Flexibility in material choices
Requires heavy equipment for handling and driving of piles
Handling of long piles is dangerous
Inability to penetrate hard, shallow layer without driving aids
When installation is required adjacent to existing foundations, those foundations will be affected and driven piles should not be used
Measured capacity at or shortly after end of driving underestimates capacity
Driven piles are manufactured off site in one of three forms: steel (pipe or beam), precast concrete, or treated timber. Utilizing a hydraulic or diesel hammer attached to a self erecting rig or crane, the material is driven into the ground until the required depth or resistance is reached. Steel and concrete piles can be spliced together for deeper depths and driven piles can also be installed at a slight batter. Driven piles are commonly used deep foundation elements with a wide range of applications in commercial, industrial, infrastructure, and off-shore projects. Driven piles are often the pile of choice in rural areas as well as major Oil and Gas projects.