Travers Solar Farm
The Travers Solar Project began construction in 2021 and ended in the summer of 2022. The solar farm reached approximately 3,330 acres of land.

Located eight kilometres southwest of the Village of Lomond, in Vulcan County. The Project is located in Township 15, Ranges 20 and 21, west of the Fourth Meridian, on privately owned, cultivated and grazing land. This project is entirely helical – with piles ranging from 3 ½” in diameter up to 8 5/8”. This project happens to be the largest quantity of helical piles on one project ever.
Project Highlights:
- The Travers Solar project is the largest solar energy project in Canada with an installed capacity of 465 MWac / 691 MWdc.
- Amazon has signed a corporate power purchase agreement to off-take up to 400 MWac from the project. In total there will be 1,500,000 solar panels installed, and when completed, the project will be 1/3 the size of Manhattan – approximately equivalent to 1,600 CFL fields.
- At peak production, our install fleet had a number of dedicated install units including skidsteers, 100-300 series excavators, and drive heads from 20,000 – 115,000 ft-lbs
- The fleet included support equipment such as loaders, skidsteers, backhoes, hoe-packs and crew trucks & vans.